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Mon 27 Jan
SWEET, SEXY Mandie is ready for ACTION - 24 (Meterie, N. O., W.Bank and N. Shore)
Sweet Treat Camille - 38 (New Orleans, Carollton/Uptown Incall only)
sweetie - 26 (New Orleans, Westbank)
SweeT* As*CaNdy(*) - 23 (New Orleans, Metairie)
Sweet Georgia Peach!!*** New In Call Location *** - 38 (All New Orleans, Mid-City, New Orleans)
Sweet and PETITE😘$100 hh specials 😜outcalls only - 26 (New Orleans, West Bank, West bank only *must BE 40years or oldes)
~¡* Superbowl ¡* ~*~Blonde ~¡*Specials~¡* - 26 (New Orleans, New Orleans,Dwntwn,Metairie,)
Super Hot & Very Flexible!!! Call Now!!! - 22 (Eastern NO, New Orleans, Outcalls to You)
......Sunday's Special> Sweet (my place or yours)
sunday night,lets party right on - 24 (New Orleans, New Orleans area)
Streaming hot ~ n~ Ready MsStrawberry on da east of N.O ( Exit Louisa ) 60QkStop - 27 (Gentilly, New Orleans, Old gentilly Rd, exit Louisa and chef)
Stupid Ridiculous Thick - 24 (New Orleans, I-10 service rd.neworleans east)
Star★is new in town★ so make★a wish 5016507862★ - 26 (New Orleans, West Bank, West bank in calls and out calls)
Stimulus Package Back in La PLACE - 35 (New Orleans, LA PLACE)
Stop Scrolling! THE BEST ONE***Click***exotic beauty! - 21 (Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Bywater, Central City / Garden District, Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, Gentilly, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Lakeview, Lower Ninth Ward, Mid-City, Monroe, New Orleans,)
Special's **Ms.Jazz ** Full Hour Special 100¤ - 22 (New Orleans, New Orleans and surrounding areas)
Specials Specials Specials Now! - 21 (New Orleans, kenner metarie incalls only)
smart sweet sexy beautiful brunette - 25 (New Orleans, neworleans)
❄️❄️SnowBunny ❄️❄️ - 26 (Bywater, Central City / Garden District, Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, Gentilly, Lakeview, Lower Ninth Ward, Mid-City, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton, West Bank, Westbank / New Orleans)
🔥⚡ Skilled, unlimited professional. My fav words are "no don't stop"⌛😉 - 24 (Houma, Matairie incalls, outcalls available, New Orleans, West Bank)
Slidell... A natural redhead beauty...let's eacape reality for a while!! - 28 (Bywater, New Orleans, Northshore. Slidell in/out)
Slidell/incall❤️❤️Sexy & Sweet..Cajun Treat💕💋👠👄 - 28 (Bywater, New Orleans, Northshore. Slidell in/out)
Slim Petite Temptress at Your Dial !!! - 23 (Metaire, Kenner, or Out near You)
Shonna Real Sweetie Pie ( Shonna ) oxoxxoox - 34 (new orleans , metairie , slidell)
Sinful and Seductive Mistress ;) (Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, In your arms ;))
** Sweet Blonde ** Everything You Need ** - 23 (Metairie/ New Orleans ** in/ out **)